I just installed dovecot 1.0alpha4 on a very busy RHEL4 server with about 1300 users.  So far so good, except for the dreaded duplicate emails in outlook for users who use POP3 and have "leave message on server" selected.  After searching the archives I found that this is usually related to the UIDL format.  The example in the .conf file is this:

  # If you want UIDL compatibility with other POP3 servers, use:
  #  UW's ipop3d         : %08Xv%08Xu

  Note that 'v' comes first, then 'u'..  But, right under it, is this:

  # Note that Outlook 2003 seems to have problems with %v.%u format which was
  # Dovecot's default, so if you're building a new server it would be a good
  # idea to change this. %08Xu%08Xv should be pretty fail-safe.

  In this example (and the next example just under it) 'u' comes first, then 'v'.

  So is the first example right, in that %08Xv%08Xu is compatible with UW ipop3d, but not outlook?  Or is the UW ipop3d example a mistake?

  For what it's worth %08Xu%08Xv seems to have fixed my users' duplication problems.
