Am Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2004 11:46 schrieben Sie:
script. Even there you can optimize a lot by changing some of the queries to allow indizes to take effect. Have you done that,
and if so would you share?
Yes, of course. I already submitted it to the dspam author but did not get any reaction so I don't know if he considered to include it.
In dspam 3.0 the rule to clean up dspam_token_data was terribly stressing my system, changing it to the equivalent (I hope ;)
- delete from dspam_token_data where ((innocent_hits=0 and spam_hits < 5)
or (innocent_hits=1 and spam_hits < 3) or (innocent_hits=2 and
spam_hits = 0)) and @a-to_days(last_hit) > 30;
reduced the queries run time by a factor of 10 to 50 easily. I simply "flattened" the atrithmetic expression within the "where" clause to allow the indices to support this query.
But this is getting too much OT, maybe we should move over to the dspam mailing list :)
I'm not subscribed there - maybe now everything is said and everyone will excuse this OT mail? ;)
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