# $Id: .muttrc 410 2004-02-14 15:30:13Z hendry $ set alias_file=~/Mail/mutt.addressbook # File to search for aliases in source ~/Mail/mutt.addressbook set ssl_starttls=yes set certificate_file=~/Mail/certificates set imap_force_ssl=yes set spoolfile={hendry@mail.cs.helsinki.fi/ssl}INBOX set folder={hendry@mail.cs.helsinki.fi/ssl} #set spoolfile={hendry@dabase.com/ssl} #set folder={hendry@dabase.com/ssl} account-hook imaps://hendry@mail.cs.helsinki.fi 'set folder={hendry@mail.cs.helsinki.fi/ssl}; set spoolfile={hendry@mail.cs.helsinki.fi/ssl}INBOX' account-hook imaps://hendry@daidalos.pannuhuone.org 'set folder={hendry@daidalos.pannuhuone.org/ssl}; set spoolfile={hendry@daidalos.pannuhuone.org/ssl}INBOX' mailboxes ! mailboxes {hendry@mail.cs.helsinki.fi/ssl}INBOX {hendry@daidalos.pannuhuone.org/ssl} #set move=yes set realname="Kai Hendry" set from="hendry@cs.helsinki.fi" set hostname="cs.helsinki.fi" set beep_new # beep if new mail comes in set editor="vim '+set tw=72'" set ispell="aspell -e -c" set charset="utf-8" set mbox=imaps://hendry@mail.cs.helsinki.fi/"INBOX.inbox.`date +%Y.%m-%b`" #Archive inbox mail set postponed=imaps://hendry@mail.cs.helsinki.fi/INBOX.postponed # location of postponed messages set record=imaps://hendry@mail.cs.helsinki.fi/"INBOX.Sent.`date +%Y.%m-%b`" #Archive send mail color status white blue color index brightwhite black ~N # Some of these contain special ppl :) source ~/Mail/mutt.colours set ascii_chars # So the threading arrows show up properly set sort=threads # Sort by threads set menu_scroll # scroll on last line of menu unset suspend set smart_wrap set wrap_search set abort_unmodified=no # this is cool, dual text/html mails have only the text part shown alternative_order text/plain # I like plaintext more than html. auto_view text/html # When viewing next page of info, retain last line of previous page set pager_context=5 # Works a bit like a "preview" screen; # you can see the pager and 5 lines of the index at the same time set pager_index_lines=5 set pgp_replysign # always sign reply to signed message set pgp_replyencrypt # always encrypt reply to encrypted message # check these commands work macro pager J "!gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-key " "Get PGP Key" macro pager K "!gpg --lsign-key " "Sign PGP Key" # BOGOFILTER macro index X "unset wait_key\nbogofilter -S\nset wait_key\n" macro pager X "unset wait_key\nbogofilter -S\nset wait_key\n" hdr_order From From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: X-Note: X-Mailer: User-Agent: \ X-MimeOLE: Content-Type: unignore * ignore "from " received mime-version status x-status ignore sender references return-path lines precedence content-length ignore priority x-priority x-auth ignore X-eGroups-Return X-Mailing-List List-Help List-Unsubscribe List-Archive ignore X-Sieve ignore Message-Id ignore Envelope-to ignore Content-Type ignore content-transfer-encoding content-disposition ignore In-reply-to ignore x-originalarrivaltime ignore x-bogosity ignore x-spam-status ignore x-spam-level ignore x-mailer user-agent #set autoedit # start editor without asking for to, subject,... set auto_tag # if something is tagged, run commands on tagged msgs. set fast_reply # do not ask for to, subject,... when replying set index_format="%4C %Z %[!%d/%m] %-17.17F (%3l) %s" set pager_format="%S [%C] %n (%l) %s" set folder_format="%F %d %8s %N %f" set print_command="enscript -2r -o /tmp/email.ps -Email" # this does not seem to work atm #set query_command="lbdbq %s" # Need this if using cygwin #set sendmail = "/usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe" send-hook . 'my_hdr From: Kai Hendry ' #send-hook '~C hkkk' 'my_hdr From: Kai Hendry ' message-hook "~h multipart" "set mime_forward=ask-yes" #bind attach S save-entry macro attach s S^A~/Mail/mail-attachments/ #more powerful editing :) #set edit_headers