Hi all, I am a newbie with dovecot. I have a problem with it's authentication.
  -I installed dovecot 1.0 beta3 at /usr/local/dovecot.
  -I want to use my linux system accounts with mail (authentication using /etc/passwd).
  -I have a user account: huytq with password: 123456
  -dovecot is started ok. I used telnet to login:

            +OK Welcome LENSECAP HCM mail
             user huytq
             pass 123456
             -ERR Authentication failed.

and this is the infolog file says:
          dovecot: Mar 18 22:26:50 Info: auth(default): client in: AUTH   1       PLAIN  service=POP3  lip=  rip=       resp=<hidden>
          dovecot: Mar 18 22:26:50 Info: auth(default): passwd(huytq, password mismatch
          dovecot: Mar 18 22:26:51 Info: auth(default): client out: FAIL  1       user=huytq
          dovecot: Mar 18 22:27:50 Info: pop3-login: Disconnected: Inactivity: user=<huytq>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=

This is my conf file:

###################### dovecot.conf #################################
        base_dir = /opt/dovecot/
        protocols = pop3
        listen =

        ssl_disable = yes

        log_path = /usr/local/dovecot/log/log
        info_log_path = /usr/local/dovecot/log/infolog
        log_timestamp = "%b %d %H:%M:%S "

        disable_plaintext_auth = no
        auth_debug = yes
        auth_verbose = yes

auth default {
        mechanisms = plain
        passdb passwd {
        userdb passwd {
        user = root

        login_dir = /opt/dovecot/login
        login_chroot = yes
        login_user = dovecot
        login_greeting = Welcome  QuocHuy mail server
        login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> homedir=%h  method=%m rip=%r lip=%l %c
        login_log_format = %$: %s

        default_mail_env = maildir:/opt/mail_data/%u/Maildir

        mail_debug = yes

protocol pop3 {
        login_executable = /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login
        mail_executable = /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/pop3
        pop3_uidl_format = %v.%u

Any opinion?
Thanks in advance.
Quoc Huy Trinh