On Thursday 20 November 2003 07:28 am, you wrote:
Brook Humphrey wrote:
On Wednesday 19 November 2003 11:52 am, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
whoops, spoke too soon. delay are up to the 1-2 minute range for INBOX and 30 second delays are not uncommon with all the rest.
somebody out there still uses mbox? Hm wonders never cease.
:-) we have a mixed marriage here. I use Thunderbird/imap, she uses
mutt. Haven't figured out quite how to make global procmail deliver maildir to my mailboxes and mbox to her's. heck, just trying to figure out how to get procmail to deliver maildir everywhere is a bit trying. On the gripping hand, if mutt can do maildir with no change of user interface...hmmm time to research something.
Hm I use maildrop here and you can have individual rules for each user. These are stored in the users home directory. With maildrop i have it sorting spam and virii for me through spamassassin and anomy sanitizer. Really it could not be easier. I do believe bot dont quote me in this that maildrop does support mbox but I'm not sure.
I dont use mutt but I do know that pine does support maildir. I did however look through the muttrc. Uhg. Anyway I see others on the net talking about it but I see no one showing how they did it. Mutt can use imap servers though and this may be a good solution. You could put here imap settings in the ~/.muttrc.
maybe it's also time to use a different local delivery agent.
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'~-~'~- Brook Humphrey Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107 http://www.webmedic.net, bah@webmedic.net, bah@linux-mandrake.com Holiness unto the Lord -~