On Mar 8, 2006, at 7:34 AM, Benjamin wrote:
i'm having troubles installing self-signed certificates for dovecot. After installing, dovecot generates a key and cert. But he is using
the wrong common name (where does dovecot get this name from?). I
tried deleting them and installing a handcrafted cert with this:openssl genrsa -out mail.key 2048 openssl req -new -key mail.key -out mail.csr openssl x509 -req -days 4312 -in mail.csr -out mail.cert -signkey
mail.keyafter that i tried to update the dovecont.conf to point to the new
files. But dovecot refuses to read them, i allways get an error,
that dovecot can't read the certificate file.
There is a script dovecot-1.0.beta3/doc/mkcert.sh which should
contain all the information you need.
regards tilman