On 2013-09-10 15:42, inkubus wrote:
QUESTION: Can cause dovecot somehow not to follow the user specific rules that apply to a message after going through my global ones? The mail has to remain directly in the inbox (and must not be forwarded by the user specific filter aftwerwards)
My configuration: dovecot.conf (excerpt):
plugin { sieve = /home/%n/.dovecot.sieve sieve_dir = /home/%n/.mailstore/sieve sieve_global_dir = /etc/dovecot/sieve/ sieve_before = /etc/dovecot/sieve/global }
require ["vacation","copy","fileinto","body","imap4flags"]; # rule:[Redirect] if anyof(header :contains "From" "f...ing.telefonanlage@firma.intern", header :contains "Subject" "Sprachnachricht") { stop; }
You're almost there, I think. Just add a
fileinto "INBOX";
before the "stop;" to have the message get stored in the INBOX of the recipient and then stop any further processing.
-- Frerich Raabe - raabe@froglogic.com www.froglogic.com - Multi-Platform GUI Testing