PID USER PRI NI SIZE RSS SHARE STAT %CPU %MEM TIME CPU COMMAND 32116 dovecot 19 0 1464 1464 1212 R 99.9 0.1 60:58 0 imap-login
service dovecot stop ps -ef |grep imap-login |grep -v grep dovecot 32116 1 98 01:27 ? 01:01:33 imap-login
/etc/dovecot.conf: auth_userdb = passwd uth_passdb = pam
I think this was triggered while I attempted to login to IMAP with the this dovecot configuration without adding an "imap" entry to /etc/pam.d/ (auth fails). When I attempt to strace -p this runaway process, it strangely displays nothing. kill was able to get rid of it. After I added an appropriate /etc/pam.d/imap entry, auth works and I didn't see this runaway process.
This is a RH9 chroot server instance running within Linux virtual server with security contexts kernel. (Think of it as a theoretically unbreakable chroot.)
Any tips on what I can do to get some debugging information out of this?
Thanks, Warren Togami