On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 09:38:19 -0700, "Daniel L. Miller" <dmiller@amfes.com> wrote:
My understanding is that sending a message from a client (use Thunderbird for simplicity of this conversation) is performed via SMTP.
Saving a copy into a sent folder is performed via IMAP (hence the multiple transfers to the server). Now that I've laid a background - let's make it Dovecot specific. I don't know how "behind-the-scenes" Dovecot performs the act of saving mail messages that it receives from IMAP, instead of SMTP. Specifically, if I'm using sieve filters via deliver - can I setup a filter that will place mail copies to specific recipients into specific subfolders?It seems to me, that you are assuming that Dovecot also speaks SMTP and is able to actually handle sending of mails to other hosts. To clarify: Dovecot is an IMAP/POP3 mail server (with integrated Mail Delivery Agent (MDA) or Local Delivery Agent (LDA) (synonyms)). SMTP is being handled by a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) such as Postfix. While it's usually appropriate to assume I'm ignorant, naive, or generally speaking out of my @ss, I'm afraid the responses I've received don't answer the question I asked. I do understand how the MUA talks to
Patrick Nagel wrote: the MTA and the whole SMTP/IMAP thing. I rambled a little bit just in case someone came up with a better solution for the double transmit scenario - but that wasn't the question.
The question: can Dovecot be configured to support sieve filters on IMAP (not just SMTP) operations (Eduardo helped me here - so I'll specifically ask about the APPEND command).
If not , I'll make that a feature-request - "Timo, can Dovecot be modified to support sieve-filters on APPEND operations?". Failing that, can some specific operation subsets of sieve be supported on a cron-like basis? My understanding is that operations involving indexes are extremely fast - and that things like sender/recipient are included in the indexes. So filters based on sender/recipient might be possible?
-- Daniel