18 Jan
18 Jan
10:24 a.m.
Hi, Aki!
- the problem with mail_crypt_global_public_key, there is a bug that we are fixing where file inputs under plugin { } section do not get aboard.
workaround 1: You can base64 encode the PEM key (yes, again), and put it in one line such as
plugin { mail_crypt_global_public_key = LS0tLS1C.....
Its work!!! Thank you!
- The mail_attribute_dict thing requires that setting you discovered, but be advised that in this mode it will create a keypair for each user, and keypair per folder.
Its work, too! (with "$mail_attribute_dict" -> dovecot.conf)
there is a bug that we are fixing Already there is a patch? Or waiting for new release?
-- WBR, BaseALT/ALTLinux Team