Il 03/05/2013 10:48, Stan Hoeppner ha scritto:
On 5/2/2013 7:04 AM, Alessio Cecchi wrote:
"rw,noatime,attr2,delaylog,nobarrier,inode64,noquota" ... and I'm running it on RHEL 6.4
I assume this is from /proc/mounts? All of those but for noatime, nobarrier, and inode64 are defaults. You've apparently specified these in /etc/fstab. noatime is useless as relatime is the default. Google "XFS relatime vs noatime".
I assume you have a RAID controller or SAN head with [F|B]BWC and have disabled individual drive write caches of array disks, given you've disabled journal write barriers. If drive caches are in fact enabled, and/or you don't have [F|B]BWC, then journal write barriers need to be enabled. If not you're skydiving without a reserve chute.
Thanks Stan, yes the output is from /proc/mounts.
We are running XFS on RAID controller but we havent disabled individual drive write caches. So what options suggest in fstab for XFS with non high-end RAID/SAN ?
Alessio Cecchi is: @ ILS -> on LinkedIn -> Assistenza Sistemi GNU/Linux -> @ PLUG -> ex-Presidente, adesso senatore a vita,