18 Oct
18 Oct
10:33 p.m.
On 10/18/2008 3:04 PM, Sotiris Tsimbonis wrote:
deliver(stsimb.t157.forthnet.gr): Oct 18 21:56:30 Info: msgid=<200810181856.m9IIu6rc005273@mx-mstr-07.forthnet.gr>: save failed to INBOX: Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full) deliver(stsimb.t157.forthnet.gr): Oct 18 21:56:30 Info: msgid=<200810181856.m9IIu6rc005273@mx-mstr-07.forthnet.gr>: rejected: Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full) deliver(stsimb.t157.forthnet.gr): Oct 18 21:56:30 Info: Sending a rejection to stsimb.t157.forthnet.gr: Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full)
I'm by no means sure, but this looks like you are BOUNCING a message due to over quota AFTER having already ACCEPTED it... can you confirm/deny this?
Best regards,