On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 16:42:34 +0100, Thomas Skowron <thskowron@googlemail.com> wrote:
after I have done a dist-upgrade to Squeeze, I got some nasty problem with my dovecot. When I try to establish a connection via IMAP, it doesn't react and writes the following into my logfile:
We also have systems based in Debian (Squeeze).
After all what has been said it sure looks like a chroot problem.
Could you post the (exact) contents of the following command: grep 'vmail\|5000' /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
As in Squeeze Postfix runs chrooted, I wonder, did you re-configured the postfix chroot (see /var/spool/postfix/) and put there all what you need to avoid chroot problemas while combining Dovecot +Postfix + MySQL?
Finally, are shure that your VPS provider isn't encapsulating in chroot jails either your private configs in /etc/ or your stuff in /home/ ?