On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 23:02 +0200, Nicolas Boullis wrote:
I have written a plugin so that each time a message is added to a
specific box, a program is run and the message is piped into it. Note
that the message is also really added to the box.
I guess I could also say that I've been going to implement something similar to Dovecot some day as well. Although I was thinking about a bit more generic event plugin which supported more than just copying. But a pipe plugin would be a great start towards that. Most people would use it only for spam/ham learning anyway.
pipe = /var/learn/%u/.spam:spamc -d some.host -L spam pipe2 = /var/learn/%u/.ham:spamc -d some.host -L ham
I think using mailbox names would be better than paths, but I know that v1.0's code base doesn't really make this possible. Perhaps with v1.1 then switch to using mailbox names.