Hello all! 
After reading some of the past threads on backups, I was wondering if I could get a sanity check... I run a Maildir configuration for a small (10 mailboxes) mail server. Using "doveadm backup", for each mailbox I do:

- Weekly full backups and then copy the files to a network-based filesystem.
- Daily incremental backups and then copy the files to a network-based filesystem.

My recovery assumption is that in case of hardware failure, I would re-set up the mail service and for each mailbox I will recover at the right directory the latest full mailbox backup and on top of it, each incremental backup to the latest day.  Does this sound like a sound strategy?

Also, I was thinking of setting up a second dovecot server on another server and replicating my primary on an hourly basis to decrease recovery time.  But I looked at mbsync and it seems to require mailbox login/password for each mailbox (which I don't have). Is there an alternative?

Thank you!