Hi! I've the same problem.
I use the same input string inside a Java standalone application. The request would appear correct and I receive always a correct response but Dovecot print the same warning into the log...
My Dovecot version is 2.0.13.
Thanks in advance for any help!
On 29/09/11 15:05, Danilo wrote:
Hello! I wrote perl script for read current quota usage, it works but when I run the program I receive a warning in Dovecot log:
2011-09-29 14:45:30 doveadm(guest@testmail.com): Warning: Timeout leak: 0x7f14800ad970
This is the script:
use strict; use Socket; use IO::Handle;
socket(TSOCK, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM,0); connect(TSOCK, sockaddr_un("/var/run/dovecot/doveadm-server")) or print("ERROR!");
print "VERSION\tdoveadm-server\t1\t0\n"; print "\tguest\@testmail.com\tquota get\n"; print "=" x 20 . "\n";
if (defined(my $messg = <TSOCK>)) {
print $messg;
print TSOCK "VERSION\tdoveadm-server\t1\t0\n"; TSOCK->flush;
print TSOCK "\tguest\@testmail.com\tquota get\n"; TSOCK->flush;
$messg = <TSOCK>; print $messg;
$messg = <TSOCK>; print $messg;
close TSOCK; }
I hope someone could help me to fix the warning. Thanks in advance, Dany