
For small systems I'd recommend fixing this with

    service stats {
  unix-socket stats-writer {
    mode = 0666

The error itself is not really an error, and it only means that you don't get stats from the process warning about these. If you are not using the new metrics system this is not a problem.


On 4.2.2021 17.00, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
On postfix/pipe lines in my log, I see this error:

    Error: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed:
Permission ))

even though I also set

    [T] jeff@nantes-m1:postfix $ ll /var/run/dovecot/*stat*
    srw------- 1 root    root    0 Feb  4 14:55 /var/run/dovecot/old-stats
    prw------- 1 root    root    0 Feb  4 14:55
    prw------- 1 root    root    0 Feb  4 14:55
    srw-rw---- 1 dovecot dovecot 0 Feb  4 14:55
    srw-rw---- 1 dovecot dovecot 0 Feb  4 14:55
    [T] jeff@nantes-m1:postfix $

I've not found documentation on what should be happening there or what
the right config is, though I did find some suggestions that 0660 and
dovecot:dovecot is right.  (I've also not understood why I care,
except I don't like to see regular errors in my logs if I can avoid

Any pointers?
