I have been trying to follow the "instructions" at "http://blog.iandreev.com/?p=1975#dovecot" and they seem to be pretty good. everything works until I get to the part were I test the dovecot installation and it keeps failing. I get an AUTH fail error at the "telnet localhost 110" login commands
I am trying to setup 3 domains: domain1.us domain2.com domain3.com I have 4 users entered in the /etc/dovecot/users file I followed the instructions for creating an encrypted password but don't think it is correct and I don't have the knowledge to say why. Just doesn't feel right.
I admit I am over my head and the learning curve just got exponential - any help at all would be really appreciated.
System: QEMU/KVM vitrual install Centos 7.01 basic install 4096 G Ram 4 proc 120 G HD
unit is behind an IPCop firewall with port forwarding. internal IP external IP on request
have username in /etc/dovecot/users as such: mynamehere@mydomainhere.us:
Turned on debuggin and log file shows:
May 18 16:45:02 auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=5639)
May 18 16:45:16 auth: Debug: client in: AUTH 1 PLAIN
service=pop3 secured session=2pP4xSQzzgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB
lip=::1 rip=::1 lport=110 rport=33742 $
May 18 16:45:16 auth: Debug:
lookup: user=mynamehere@mydomainhere.us file=/etc/dovecot/users
May 18 16:45:16 auth: Info:
Password mismatch
May 18 16:45:18 auth: Debug: client passdb out: FAIL 1
May 18 16:45:20 pop3-login: Info: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts
in 4 secs): user=<mynamehere@mydomain.us>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1,
lip=::1, secured, session=<2pP4xSQzzgAAAAAA$