We are running dovecot 1.1.8 and are currently running it with 4 master processes (one for each of the protocols: imap, imaps, pop3, pop3s). The idea was to spread out the load so as to not overwhelm any one master. This has worked well. To take it further, we're contemplating running masters across multiple IP addresses, where the host/service name DNS records would be something like this:
imap-server.domain A A A A
The default route would either be through the first address ( in this example) or potentially across all of them in presumably a round-robin fashion.
Do you see any problems with this? Has anyone done this?
Steven F. Siirila Office: WBOB, 624J Internet Services E-mail: sfs@umn.edu Office of Information Technology Voice: (612) 626-0244 University of Minnesota