On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 08:33:16 +0100 "news.gmane.org" <chills@ne-worcs.ac.uk> wrote:
The current dovecot release is capable of handling mbox and maildir simultaneously. The directive you need is
default_mail_env = maildir:~/.imap/:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
Is it possible to simultaneously have both maildir and mbox folders? Perhaps something like
~/mail/folder1 ~/mail/folder2
~/Maildir/.folder3 ~/Maildir/.folder4
Cheers, Björn
-- _ _ ,_______________. Bjorn Gronvall (Björn Grönvall) /_______________/| Swedish Institute of Computer Science | || PO Box 1263, S-164 29 Kista, Sweden | Schroedingers || Email: bg@sics.se, Phone +46 -8 633 15 25 | Cat |/ Cellular +46 -70 768 06 35, Fax +46 -8 751 72 30 '---------------'