I've been trying to get shared mailboxes to work and got stuck.
I tried lots of examples made the shared dict but the shared mail boxes never showed up.
I am using the . separator and I think this the problem.
I changed it to a / separator and now I could see my shared mailboxes.
Checking the maillog in debug mode I saw a few failed login attempts between the succesful logins.
The weird thing is that the username was changed, instead of hansg@debushalte.nl the login was hansg@debushalte without the .nl part and that user is not in my database.
So I suspect that dovecot splits the shared path based
hansg@debushalte.nl shares mailboxes with dean@debushalte.nl below a few lines from the log:
Debug: Namespace : type=shared, prefix=INBOX.shared.%u., sep=., inbox=no, hidden=no, list=yes, subscriptions=no location=maildir:%h/mail:INDEX=/mail/debushalte.nl/dean/mail/shared.%u Debug: shared: Tried to access mails of nonexistent user hansg@debushalte Debug: Namespace INBOX.shared.hansg@debushalte.: Creating storage despite: Root mail directory doesn't exist
Is there a work arround for this? I really like to keep using '.' as a seperator so I do not have to change all the existing mailboxes.
If I do rename and move all existing mailboxes the '/' separator way and of course change the separator in the namespaces would my users notice this? (ie would they have to change something in their mail clients?)