Le 31/03/2022 à 16:08, Aki Tuomi a écrit :

On 31/03/2022 17:00 itanguy@univ-brest.fr wrote:


is there any way to rate limit submission mail (counting per user) when 
using Dovecot/Submission (no Postfix)?

Using a milter seems impossible.
Using Dovecot Events seems "too" global (not per users discrimination).
Maybe rate-limiting has to be external and then include in the pass_db 
query ?

Thank your for any hints.

Dovecot submission is not an MTA, it *always* requires something behind. You cannot use milters with it. If your MTA supports XFORWARD/XCLIENT you can use submission_relay_trusted to allow this information to be forwarded to the MTA.


Thanks for your answer.
We find better to count at the Submission Step.

I try to use metric, but don't find yet the good parameters to see submission events :

metric submission_counter {
    filter = event=smtp_submit_finished
    fields = mail_from recipients data_size

Submit some mails and then doveadm stats dump.

result stay null :

doveadm stats dump
metric_name     field  count           sum     min     max     avg    median stddev %95
submission_counter   duration      0         0          0          0        0.00       0           0.000
submission_counter   mail_from  0         0          0          0        0.00        0           0.000
submission_counter   recipients   0         0         0           0        0.00        0           0.000
submission_counter   data_size    0        0         0           0         0.00        0           0.000

Ismaël Tanguy