thanks for your answer.

I confirm, mitigate this issue is very very easy.
There are other issues with high severity for example CVE-2019-17558. 

Description: Apache Solr 5.0.0 to Apache Solr 8.3.1 are vulnerable to a Remote Code Execution through the VelocityResponseWriter

I think for this issue there is only a solution, upgrade Solr to 8.4. It's Correct?

So, with Dovecot is it possible to use Apache Solr 8.4? 
High RAM usage is the only problem?



Domenico Pastore
Senior Cloud Engineer
T 06.98269600 | M 347.1474270 | F 06.98269680
Par-Tec | beyond the IT domain
Via Cristoforo Colombo 163, 00147 Roma
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Il giorno 22 gen 2020, alle ore 15:26, deano-dovecot@areyes.com ha scritto:

On 2020-01-22 8:42 am, Domenico Pastore wrote:
I have Dovecot configured with Solr for the indexes.
I have need your support for upgrade solr 7.7.2 to 8.4.1.
Solr 7.7.2 has a security issue CVE-2019-12409.
It's possible upgrade of Solr?
Dovecot work correctly with Solr 8.x?
The Solr documentation recommended after updating:
"It is always strongly recommended that you fully reindex your
documents after a major version upgrade."
There are tips for Dovecot?

Easy mitigation - block or control all access on port 18983 via iptables ?  Might be a bit of a blanket statement though ...

Be aware than later version of Solr use a *lot* more ram.  I tested last year with 8.3.0 and even with tuning was seeing a much higher higher RES memory usage.