related to my previous email i found that setting "mail_save_crlf = no" instead of yes make dovecot working.
However if enabled on solaris 8 it doesn't work hanging on sendfilev64() call.
I noticed that maildir file names are still different from maildrop and dovecot but now works.
However moving bigger mailbox from local storage to remote imap server i receive "Disconnect for inactivity while waiting for command data" error triggered by client_input_timeout function in imap/client.c .
The timeout is defined as CLIENT_CMDINPUT_TIMEOUT which is defined as CLIENT_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT which is 1 minute (60*1000) .
I think that could be usefull to have this timeout tunable because when you tranfer into the imap server large quantity of data if it takes more than 1 minutes, process goes timeout ( altought with mutt 1.4i client ) .