On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Jason Frisvold <xenophage0@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah, I'm thinking renaming the folders may be the way to go... It's easy on the test machine, not many folders.. The live system is a tad larger.. :P But, I think I have a working script already.. We shall see..
Renamed the folders, switched IMAP servers, and everything is dandy. Worked out quite well..
As it turns out, everything was screwed up because I had initially migrated from Courier to binc. That was back a few years ago, so I have a little more experience now. :)
Anyway, everything seems to be working now. No namespaces, no fancy caching (yet!)... Now to learn more about dovecot and get it optimized.
-- Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold XenoPhage0@gmail.com http://blog.godshell.com