17 Mar
17 Mar
4:54 p.m.
On Wed, 2011-03-16 at 12:00 -0700, Kui Zhang wrote:
doveadm expunge -u "user@domain" mailbox ".namespace/*" savedbefore 7d
writes these messages to std.error
doveadm(user@domain): Info: expunge: box=.namespace/INBOX, uid=5932, msgid=<E1Puxwf-0001fD-Si@hostname>, size=1824
You should be able to get rid of these with:
doveadm -o plugin/mail_log_events= expunge ..
Can we write these messages(informational) to std.out
I thought about this too, but I think in the end it could lead to trouble. Several doveadm commands already output replies to stdout, so not all commands can have their Info: logs outputted to stdout. And having some commands do that and others not isn't very consistent.