Andrew Charnley <> writes:
Regarding STAT which appears to have an issue with Dovecot:-
[23:50:46] POP< +OK Dovecot ready. [23:50:46] POP> USER xxxxx [23:50:46] POP< +OK [23:50:46] POP> PASS ******** [23:50:46] POP< +OK Logged in. [23:50:46] POP> STAT [23:50:46] POP< -ERR Unknown command:
user xxxxx pass *** stat
I can confirm this works.
- Likely an issue with CLAWS email.
If you can arrange a network capture of a non-SSL remote CLAWS connection, try checking whether there's a hidden character (NULL, .etc.) being sent.
It's also telling that it works for some accounts, and not for others. Try rebuilding the user's index cache by removing it (save a copy!) and see if that makes it work. If it does, you can send the buggy caches to the developer and see if they can figure it out.
Joseph Tam <>