Am 22.12.2013 22:07, schrieb Michael Neurohr:
I've been using Dovecot for one single Domain with SSL certificates. Now I would like to use Dovecot with several Domains and proper SSL certificates. I tried to setup TLS SNI but it does not work. What I basically did was just adding
forget it - SNI is relevant for webservers because different vhosts with different contents, typically not for mailservers
why do you start the burden of different certs instead "mail.your-company.tld" and give that hostname to any user?
there are good reasons that other hosters are doing the same unencrypted: imap.your-domain.tld encrypted:
while the unencrpyted from is also stupid from maintaince point of view we did that for some years and it did not work out in any sense