OK, I'v set all the directory tree from the main maildir (/var/local/virtualdir/) to the virtualmail user using chmod -R virtualmail.virtualmail /var/local/virtualdir
And correct me if I'm wrong,
The auth_user is still "auth_user = root" and I need to have the
set as default_mail_env = maildir:/var/local/virtualdir/%d/%n .
But I also need to set:
first_valid_uid = 100
last_valid_uid = 100
first_valid_gid = 101
last_valid_gid = 101
which are the uid and gid for the user virtualmail
On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 13:12:50 -0500, Peter Lacey <placey@wanderingbarque.com> wrote:
How important is to have all the directory tree owned by the same user group (virtualmail:virtualmail) ?
My understanding (which could be wrong) is that it's pretty important. First, as a rule of thumb, nothing should be owned by root that doesn't have to be owned by root. When Dovecot is writing mail to a directory, it assumes the user ID of the recipient. In your virtual setup you probably don't have local users, so Dovecot will change to the user id returned from your database/ldap query, or, if using LDAP and you want to, to the user specified in user_global_uid setting. In either case, that user should be the user who owns the directory tree (virtualmail) and not root. Your setup can work, of course, if you give the directory read/write permissions for group and world, but why would you want to?
- Pete