Have a look here https://notes.sagredo.eu/qmail-notes-185/qmail-inject-sieve-vacationreject-m...
Il 20-12-2024 20:58 tobias.niethammer--- via dovecot ha scritto:
so I do not find the root cause. Its difficult for me to debug the problem must be somewhere between dovecot and DMA mail agent the spool file in the dma looks like:
################################ Received: from vpopmail (uid 89) (envelope-from dovecot@mx40.projektb.net) id 1008d by mx40.projektb.net (DragonFly Mail Agent v0.11+ on dovecot); Fri, 20 Dec 2024 20:27:42 +0100 X-Sieve: Pigeonhole Sieve (49005e73)^M Message-ID: <dovecot-sieve-1734722862-691938-0@dovecot>^M Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 20:27:42 +0100^M From: <test02@projektb-mail.net>^M To: <tobias.niethammer@gmx.net>^M Subject: test Urlaub^M In-Reply-To: <01f701db5315$3b6f4c50$b24de4f0$@gmx.net>^M References: <01f701db5315$3b6f4c50$b24de4f0$@gmx.net>^M Auto-Submitted: auto-replied (vacation)^M Precedence: bulk^M X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All^M MIME-Version: 1.0^M Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8^M Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit^M ^M test 1^M test 2^M test 3^M test4^M ^M ################################
there ist an wrong CR LF after the Content-Transfer-Encoding shoud there not be an LF
I modified the .dovecot.sieve file to: require ["vacation"];^M # rule:[Urlaub]^M if true^M {^M vacation :addresses "test02@projektb-mail.net" :subject "test Urlaub" text: test 1 test 2 test 3 test4^M .^M ;^M }^M # rule:[Weiterleitung]^M if true^M {^M redirect "tobias.niethammer@projektb.net";^M }^M
when I run: sudo -u vpopmail sieve-test -D -c /data/etc/dovecot.conf -e .dovecot.sieve test.eml > test.output2 I get following output: ######################################### X-Sieve: Pigeonhole Sieve (49005e73)^M Message-ID: <dovecot-sieve-1734724632-119992-1@dovecot>^M Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 20:57:12 +0100^M From: <test02@projektb-mail.net>^M To: <tobias.niethammer@projetkb.net>^M Subject: test Urlaub^M Auto-Submitted: auto-replied (vacation)^M Precedence: bulk^M X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All^M MIME-Version: 1.0^M Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8^M Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit^M ^M test 1^M test 2^M test 3^M test4^M ^M X-Sieve: Pigeonhole Sieve (49005e73) X-Sieve-Redirected-From: vpopmail@projektb.net Message-ID: <dovecot-sieve-1734724632-119992-0@dovecot>^M From: tobias.niethammer@projetkb.net To: test02@projektb-mail.net Subject: Test Email
This is a test message.^M ^M ^M
RECIPIENT: tobias.niethammer@projetkb.net START MESSAGE: END MESSAGE
RECIPIENT: tobias.niethammer@projektb.net START MESSAGE: END MESSAGE #########################################
so from my point of view, there is an different line ending on vacation function to the forward function
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