Hi there!
I want to set the \seen and the Junk Flag to an email, which i move manually to my Junk-Folder.
I tried a lot... but nothing worked like expected.
I have a sieve-filter, which takes an email and copy it to a pipe to rspamc. This filter is working correctly, i get a debug-message from the script, which is called through the sieve-filter. But adding another rule (addflag "Junk"; setflag "\\seen";) to this rule is getting ignored...
Here is my sieve-rule:
require ["imap4flags", "vnd.dovecot.pipe", "copy", "imapsieve", "environment", "variables"];
if environment :matches "imap.email" "*" { set "email" "${1}"; } addflag "Junk"; setflag "\\seen"; pipe :copy "learn-spam.sh" [ "${email}" ];
How said before, the script learn-spam.sh is called, when i move a Message via drag&drop in thunderbird from the INBOX to the Junk-Folder. But the message in the Junk-Folder is unseen, recent and has no Junk-Flag...
What's wrong?