On 3/7/07, Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi> wrote:
On 7.3.2007, at 5.41, Malaney J. Hill wrote:

> > auth default:
> >   user: nobody
> You're running dovecot-auth as nobody. I'm guessing nobody doesn't
> have access to /etc/shadow.
> Correct, nobody does not have access to /etc/shadow and never
> will.  How do I resolve this?
> Do I have to create a separate password file for my system users?
> Or is there a better alternative.

Usually people are just running dovecot-auth as root, which is also
the default (user = root inside auth {}). Or you could create some
doveauth user which has "shadow" as the primary group.

Thanks Timo, that did the trick!