May be if save mail in new file it can break index dovecot files, because file name change? Mail is text file, if I add one line (like X-Mozilla-Keys: test) how its can break mail?
2011/4/4 Timo Sirainen <>:
On Mon, 2011-04-04 at 15:52 +0400, Алексей Сундуков wrote:
I create RoundCube plugin and I have question. I want add mail header and I see 2 way:
- change file via filesystem (mailbox in maildir format);
- change header via dovecot.
I think 1) bad way. But I do not know dovecot support change head information or not? My by via IMAP commant? same programm (LDA?)? May be it impossible via dovecot?
It's not possible to modify existing messages. If you manually modify mail files in filesystem Dovecot will complain and users' IMAP clients may break. The best you can do is save a new modified message and delete the old one.