Nice, but how i can use it in migration ? i mean how to make dovecot use passwords in this format ? And i just surprised by fact that google says "You`re fist one who want to migrate from dbmail to dovecot"
Pascal Volk пишет:
On 20.01.2009 10:42 Андрей Юртайкин wrote:
Hi i want to migrate from dbmail to dovecot, the main problem is passwords. dbmail uses "md5-hash" wich crypt "111" to "$1$tZNR7pR4$jMuuKWm7ljRyL8iEMfjep.".
Tried all dovecot pass schemes thru
and no one matches. The main question is how to migrate dbmail -> dovecot.Hm, it's a simple md5 crypt hash, that stores it salt at the beginning of the hash. How to reproduce:
,--[ Python ]-- | In [29]: import crypt | In [30]: clear, salt = '111', '$1$tZNR7pR4$' | In [31]: crypt.crypt(clear, salt) | Out[31]: '$1$tZNR7pR4$jMuuKWm7ljRyL8iEMfjep.' `--
Regards, Pascal
-- С уважением, Юртайкин Андрей системный администратор, ЗАО "ИСКРАТЕЛЕКОМ" тел.: +7 495 287 45 45, доб. 070,