am 07.04.11 23:51 schrieb Sven Hartge
Jim wrote:
am 06.04.11 21:00 schrieb Jim
If one can write even more text, with word wrap? As an example:
plugin { quota_exceeded_message = Quota exceeded, please go to for instructions on how to fix this. Please call: +49 0000 00000000 between 10:00 - 15:00 }
nobody can answer me? Too trivial or stupid?
How about just trying it? Set a quota of 5M, shove some mails into the account and see what happens.
It is ONLY about whether more text is possible. More info can be transmitted. Function it ok.
-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Jim Knuth
P.S.: Bitte HTML-Mails! Zufallszitat: Die Geschichte wird freundlich mit mir umgehen, denn ich habe vor, sie zu schreiben. [Churchill]