Sorry for the noise, local.conf wasn't readable by a normal user, so it wasn't tried (!include vs !include_try)
Marc Weustink wrote:
Today I was testing the last dovecot release 2.3 from the dovecot repo on ubuntu 16.04. (I upgraded from 2.2.23) I cannot recall if I noticed it before, but doveconf -n not showing all changes.
To be able to track my changes, I don't touch the config files provided in conf.d/ anymore, but I write them in local.conf (I did in the past so doveconf -n still shows something)
I was testing the new submission service so I added to local.conf:
protocols = imap pop3 lmtp sieve submission service submission-login { inet_listener submission { # test port = 588 } } submission_relay_host =
after restarting dovecot, submission works, mails get relayed. However doveconf -n shows:
protocols = imap pop3 lmtp sieve
This is very confusing.