On 06 Jul 2020, at 15:48, The Doctor <doctor@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca> wrote:
Got a client that usually uses Outlook I think 2010. This person tends to move their e-mails to certain folers. On Thunderbird, the move shows.
Not on Outlook.Any explanation?
Since the move works fine in Thunderbrd (and I assume any other client will see the same), the problem is with Outlook 2010. Perhaps a gentle reminder that it is currently 2020?
I moved the last holdout client off 2010 about 2 or 3 yers ago after having many many problems with it that could not be easily fixed because the software was no longer supported and I pointed out they were sending more money paying me to try to fix it than it would cost them to pay for Office 365 (small business, obviously).
-- Silence filled the University in the same way that air fills a hole. Night spread across the Disk like plum jam, or possibly blackberry preserve. But there would be a morning. There would always be another morning. --Sourcery