On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 6:16 AM, Steffen Kaiser <skdovecot@smail.inf.fh-brs.de> wrote:
I guess you've configured avelsieve to place the script right into the home directory of the user rather than through ManageSieve, right? Therefore Managesieve detects that this script is alien and keeps its hands off.
No, avelsieve is a squirrelmail plugin to create a sieve script. It talks to a ManageSieve daemon, in my case pysieved. pysieved puts the scripts in ~/.sieve and links ~/.dovecot.sieve do the current script in ~/.sieve.
So Avelsieve will manage, whatever Managesieve places there, and Managesieve does not detect the alien interference.
Avelsieve doesn't manage anything, pysieved does.
b) remove the name check from the demon.
That is what I'm asking :-D
But why are you using two sieve management interfaces?
I'm not. I'm testing the ManageSieve patch and preparing to replace pysieved, because it lacks encryption and I need to open direct access to it for my users.