24 May
24 May
3:16 a.m.
On 05/23/2022 5:27 PM PGNet Dev <pgnet.dev@gmail.com> wrote:
how to correctly turn on debug/verbose logging for fts-tika use in/by dovecot?
mail_debug = yes
This turns on HTTP debugging for the outgoing Tika requests.
Unfortunately, Tika has not yet been converted to events/categories with the ability to more granularly enable debugging just for this component.
It's probably easier to just look at tika's debugging logs. The default log level (at least in Tika 2.3) will output an INFO line for every attachment indexed:
INFO [qtp235162442-22] 16:15:19,905 org.apache.tika.server.core.resource.TikaResource /tika (text/calendar)