I just activated a rate limit on my IPsec on the Doveadm replication port in order to not flood my VPN.

I have a question: when I will activate replication in production, it will take days (or weeks, maybe) to complete the sync between two remote branches, it will be a problem for the normal flow of the e-mail?

I mean, until sync of all mailboxes is completed do I will notice slowness in the normal e-mail flow?

Are there any other things that I will have to take care?



On 12/10/21 09:59, Claudio Corvino wrote:

Hi Joelly and thanks for your answer!

About this:

"One last question: since I have to deal with huge mailboxes, if prior to activate replication I do an rsync between the two Dovecot filesystems, does the replication will work?"

Do you think I will reduce the bandwidth usage on the IPsec VPN doing rsync prior to activate replication on Dovecot? Or does the replication needs to do a full sync of the entire mailbox even if the mail dir is already copied on the other end?

And what about the first question: where I can find an example of LDAP userdb to exclude all users from replication and adding one at a time?

Thanks in advance!


On 11/10/21 18:29, Joelly Alexander wrote:
One last question: since I have to deal with huge mailboxes, if prior to activate replication I do an rsync between the two Dovecot filesystems, does the replication will work?

Claudio Corvino
IT Systems Administrator


Claudio Corvino
IT Systems Administrator