Answer inline.

On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 12:59 PM James <> wrote:
On 29/12/2018 13:49, Pierluigi Frullani wrote:

> My version is 2.2.13 ( it was the last one, at the time of the first
> server setup ).

2.2.13 is from around May 2014.  It worked but I can't see why you
wouldn't switch to the latest 2.3.4. (You might be seeing what I can't
and your question hasn't explained.)

That's the date for installation. I was using the courier-imap and switched to dovecot. 
Not changed since then. 
> I have seen that ( it seems ) the new solaris don't honour the

I'm sure it does but you shouldn't need it anyway.

Believe me, it doesn't :( 
Did you compile this yourself or are you using someone else's package?
Solaris has no files in /usr/local, you must have added those.

Yes I did compile it by myself using the "configure; make " way, with the following command:
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/clucene/include -I/usr/local/libtextcat/include -I/usr/local/openssl-1.0.1e/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/clucene/lib -L/usr/local/libtextcat/lib -L/usr/local/openssl-1.0.1e/lib" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/dovecot --with-ssl=yes --with-stemmer --with-lucene --with-zlib 

( also tried with --without-shared-libs or without it  ) 

The problem ( as usual ) arise with the openssl libs that solaris ships, as they are always missing some parts ( basically for the export laws solaris adhere :) )
If I compile with the internal (open)ssl libs it won't even finish the compilation :( 

1. Do not put your files in /use/local.  You will clash with someone
else thinking it is the place to put personal stuff.  man filesystem:
"/opt  Root of a subtree for add-on application packages."

 Being that I'm the only one administering this machine I'm sure it would not  ;)

2. Do not use LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the run time environment.  Instead use
the runpath in binaries as set during linking.

That's the important point, but please read on.

4. When linking use -L to point to the libraries.  These need not be in
the installation location and during build won't be (because you haven't
installed yet because you are building new libraries).
5. When linking use -R to point to the installed location of the libraries.

 That's fine with me, ( and eventually I will try to modify all the makefiles, but I hoped it would have already been done by configure ( wich obviously has not :) 

It should work if the paths are set correctly in the binaries.  A
generic package can use $ORIGIN.
It's possible libtool is doing its usual trick of making a simple task
difficult - I take measures to undo its wrong doing and set -L and -R
between libtool and ld (cc -G).

I will try too ( but wouldn't be nice if the configure tool would do that for us ? )

-- what is its run path?
# dump -Lv /opt/XXX/sbin/dovecot | grep RUNPATH

 root@puma dump -Lv dovecot | grep RUN 
[10]    RUNPATH         /usr/local/dovecot/lib/dovecot:/usr/local/lib:/usr/ccs/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sfw/lib
so it's obviously missing the openssl libraries 
-- can the runtime linker find the libraries?
# ldd -r /opt/XXX/sbin/dovecot

Yes, although not the one I want: 
root@puma ldd -r imap-login | egrep "ssl|crypto" =>       /usr/lib/ =>    /usr/lib/

At the moment I've applied a workaround by creating a fake script that change the library path on execution:
root@puma cat imap-login

exec /usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login.orig
and it's working but is not something I really like.

Would you ( or could ) show me where to replace -R and -L on Makefile(s) to fix the runpath trouble ?

I've tried the following:
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/clucene/include -I/usr/local/libtextcat/include -I/usr/local/openssl-1.0.1e/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/clucene/lib -L/usr/local/libtextcat/lib -L/usr/local/openssl-1.0.1e/lib -R/usr/local/openssl-1.0.1e/lib " ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/dovecot --with-ssl=yes --with-stemmer --with-lucene --with-zlib 
and it seems to work:

root@puma dump -Lv ./src/imap-login/.libs/imap-login | grep RUN
[14]    RUNPATH         /usr/local/dovecot/lib/dovecot:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/openssl-1.0.1e/lib:/usr/ccs/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/sfw/lib

I will try this weekend to install the new binary and see if it has done the magic.

BTW, thanks in advance for your time
