
I am just investigating on another server Debian, directly after upgrading to dovecot .17:

Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: auth client connected (pid=8682)
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: AUTH#0111#011PLAIN#011service=imap#011session=aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy#011lip=
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: client passdb out: CONT#0111#011
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: CONT<hidden>
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: pam(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): Performing passdb lookup
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<197>: Handling PASSV request
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<197>: pam(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): Performing passdb lookup
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<197>: pam(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): lookup service=dovecot
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<197>: pam(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): #1/1 style=1 msg=Password
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<197>: pam(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): Finished passdb lookup
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<197>: Finished
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: pam(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): Finished passdb lookup
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: auth(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): Auth request finished
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: client passdb out: OK#0111#011user=lukasm#011
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: master in: REQUEST#0112975727617#0118682#0111#011c681c4159deed081b164a458bfa5ffcb#011session_pid=8683#011request_auth_token
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: passwd(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): Performing userdb lookup
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<198>: Handling USER request
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<198>: passwd(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): Performing userdb look
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<198>: passwd(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): lookup
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<198>: passwd(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): Finished userdb lookup
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth-worker(8349): Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=8004,uid=120): auth-worker<198>: Finished
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: passwd(lukasm,,<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>): Finished userdb lookup
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: auth: Debug: master userdb out: USER#0112975727617#011lukasm#011system_groups_user=lukasm#011uid=1000#011gid=1000#011home=/home/lukasm#011auth_mech=PLAIN#01
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<lukasm>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=8683, session=<aL3mPJfUmpXAqAIy>
Jan  2 11:55:10 judy dovecot: imap(monica)<8680><OcLiPJfUmJXAqAIy>: Fatal: master: service(imap): child 8680 killed with signal 11 (core dumps disabled - https://dovecot.org/bugreport.ht

Would you like to have a coredump as well?

Thank you & cheers, Lukas

On Sun, Jan 2, 2022 at 2:06 AM Lukas Matasovsky <lukas.matasovsky@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Maintainer,

I have several dovecot installations, all of them stopped working with the upgrade from .16 to .17. Maybe I am missing something, or it's a bug. All I can see is a signal 11 after each login attempt.

Attached you can find a sysreport plus a core dump, both from different states of configuration (I reverted the core-dump settings later on) of the same server, but the effect has been the same ever since upgrading.
I have other servers that use pam (not mariadb) and local maildirs that show the same behavior.

For now, I have downgraded all servers, if needed I could run some more tests.

Thank you for checking & cheers, Lukas