On 11 Sep 2017, at 5:38 pm, Christian Kivalo <ml+dovecot@valo.at> wrote:
Many thanks Christian. Added that, but it still doesn’t match: $ fail2ban-regex "Sep 11 15:52:49 mail dovecot[54239]: auth-worker(10094): sql(user@bordo.com.au,::1,L2xqieNYeM4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>): Password mismatch (given password: 2)" "^%(__prefix_line)sauth: Info: sql\(\S+,<HOST>,\<\S+\>\): (Password mismatch|unknown user)( \((SHA1 of given password: [0-9a-f]{5,40}|given password: \w*)\))?$" Your log has "auth-worker(10094): sql" whereas the fail2ban regex has ")sauth: Info: sql\(\". When you change that to ")sauth-worker: sql\(\" does it work then?
Try to reduce the regex to a working minimum and then add parts back until it breaks…
Thanks Christian.
That didn’t work either:
$ fail2ban-regex "Sep 11 15:52:49 mail dovecot[54239]: auth-worker(10094): sql(user@bordo.com.au,::1,<L2xqieNYeM4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>): Password mismatch (given password: 2)" "^%(__prefix_line)sauth-worker: sql\(\S+,<HOST>,\<\S+\>\): (Password mismatch|unknown user)( \((SHA1 of given password: [0-9a-f]{5,40}|given password: \w*)\))?$"
Running tests
Use failregex line : ^%(__prefix_line)sauth-worker: sql\(\S+,<HOST>,\<\... Use single line : Sep 11 15:52:49 mail dovecot[54239]: auth-worker(1...
Failregex: 0 total
Should there be something after “sauth-worker” for the ‘(10094)’?
Will keep trying deleting stuff till it works.