Dear Aki

Thank you again.


doveadm -Dv -o maillocation=mdbox_deleted:/usr/home/vmail/mail/username/mdbox/storage/file fetch -u username text all

Does dump messages out.

However the messages do not include two messages which are present in the mdbox file and which I recovered by hand and so am using as a test to see if I can extract them effectively.  These were in the Drafts mailbox so I've also run the command with mailbox Drafts at the end.

The output seems to be just dumping messages which are not expunged!

Daniel Schütze


CWA International Ltd
5th Floor, 42 Trinity Square

(t) + 44 (0)20 7242 8444
On 10/11/20 18:16, Aki Tuomi wrote:

On 10/11/2020 20:07 Daniel Schütze <> wrote:

Dear Aki
Thank you. Unfortunately I'm struggling to get the right syntax for this as it looks like someone else was here too
The location in my dovecot.conf is 

This syntax is for accessing shared folders.

You probably should try

doveadm -Dv -o mail_location=mdbox_deleted:/path/to/mdbox fetch -u victim text ALL

I'm trying to fetch a message (for testing purposes now) based on it's guid as that is available from doveadm dump.
So my syntax is (based on the previous person who didn't get it to work).

doveadm -o "mail_location=mdbox_deleted:%%h/mdbox:INDEX=/indexdisk/indexes/%%n:INDEXPVT=~/mdbox/shared/%%n" fetch "body" guid (msg.guid from doveadm dump)

Doveadm does not support var expand, so this will not work. See above for syntax.

But that's getting no response. I've tried putting in the hard path in case there is any trouble with the %%h etc but that doesn't help either.
I've also tried the fetch with the subject of a known deleted message and also adding mailbox Drafts (as I know that's where it is or rather was) but to no avail.
Given doveadm dump gives msg.uid and no subject I'd prefer to use that in any case.
There are no error messages, I do with doveadm was a little more verbose to help over these bumps!

Any chance of a helping hand?


Daniel Schütze 
 CWA International Ltd 
 5th Floor, 42 Trinity Square 
 EC3N 4DJ 
 (t) + 44 (0)20 7242 8444 
On 10/11/20 10:53, Aki Tuomi wrote:

You can use mdbox_deleted driver to access mails with refcount 0. See


On 10.11.2020 12.42, Daniel Schütze wrote:

Yesterday I had to recover an e-mail which a user had deleted.  If I
understand this correctly the message was expunged but not purged
(doveadm purge had not been run).

This e-mail was clearly still in the mdbox stored with zlib
compression as I could tell using the doveadm dump command (doveadm
dump -t dbox filename).

I could however not reveal the e-mail with the normal doveadm fetch -u
username "body" guid (guid from dump output)

In the end I was able to recover the e-mail by cutting it out from the
mdbox and running gunzip over it, but this method was very fiddly and
would not have worked for a bulk job.  I appreciate I could have just
deleted the index files and gotten all the deleted messages back by
having the index rebuilt but that would have been the proverbial
"hammer to crack a nut".

Fortunately this e-mail had no attachment for me to worry about, as
those are also detached for sis by dovecot.

Can anyone tell me of a quick and easy way to recover one or multiple
e-mails marked as expunged but not purged which are stored in a mdbox
with zlib compression?  I'm sure I'll have to do this again the future
and my method wouldn't work with a folder!

Clearly if I was not using zlib compression I could just have read the
contents of the mdbox without any complication.

Daniel Schütze


CWA International Ltd
5th Floor, 42 Trinity Square

(t) + 44 (0)20 7242 8444