Hello dovecot list,
I'm in the middle of creating a plugin for observium1 and would like to have it create2 statistical graphs of my dovecot server 3. The current state can be found here: https://image.ibb.co/efOO9a/dovecot.png
However for visibility purposes it doesnt make sense and have observium plot two data sources with different orders of magnitudes right into one graph. So I'd like to ask for your valuable recommendations as for:
What kind of data should be graphed? Global stats or on a per domain level?
What data types to graph? (e.g. stats, getrusage, io, storage, auth check https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Statistics#line-65 for details)
What values should be combined into a single graph?
How often would you reset stats (cronjob calling doveadm stats reset)?
Thanks Thomas