On Tue, 5 Sep 2006, Tapio Sokura wrote:
Quoting David Lee <t.d.lee@durham.ac.uk>:
Anyone had any thoughts on the item below?
I see you have stumbled upon the same problem that prompted me to subscribe to this list. I'm running rc7 as well and the deliver LDA is ignoring default_mail_env. As a workaround I have now explicitly specified each user's home directory in userdb, but it would be cleaner if the default could be used.
I didn't look far into the dovecot code, but from what I peeked it looks like deliver/auth-client.c bails out at function auth_parse_input, if it doesn't receive a home directory from the userdb. No provisions there for checking default_mail_env. Or maybe I'm looking at the wrong place..
Ah! Our emails cross...
I have just drafted a patch to address the issue of "%i" being ignored. The patch is re-attached here.
You mention home directories; my issue was uid (%i). You also mention default_mail_env being ignored; for me it seemed to be "mostly, but not entirely, OK".
So our issues may be somewhat different. Nevertheless the patch might give an idea of the sort of thing that might be relevant.
DISCLAIMER: I'm a newcomer to dovecot. This patch is completely unverified (at present) by anyone else, and it might diverge from established dovecot 'best practice' principles. Own risk, etc.
: David Lee I.T. Service : : Senior Systems Programmer Computer Centre : : Durham University : : http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/ South Road : : Durham DH1 3LE : : Phone: +44 191 334 2752 U.K. :