Am 10.07.2012 13:34, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
Am 10.07.2012 13:25, schrieb Voytek Eymont:
I'm trying to setup per user '+spam' delivery from amavis tags, so that each user gets any mails tagged as spam to 'spam' Maildir via +spam Dovecot lmtp delivery.
i have no amavis, i use a global sieve rule to deliver tagged mail into special Junk folder, and virtual plugin to get users the chance to download tagged mails from Junk folder via pop3 too
look i.e here
after say 7 days I want to delete all spams older than 7 days, if I simply delete mail files from the file system, is that a 'bad thing' ?
perhaps use daily cron with something like this
doveadm expunge -A mailbox Junk savedbefore 7d;
i forgot read
for this too
what is a proper way to do that, and scripts ?
for removing/archiving old uncollected emails in main INBOX I use archivemail from sf, but, don't think I can do subfoldrs with archivemail
any pointers (and scripts) welcomed, thanks
i am not sure what you ask for here, looking for archive solution ?
-- Best Regards MfG Robert Schetterer