On 1/2/22 3:08 PM, John Fawcett wrote:
unless I'm missing something that doesn't look like the type of query dovecot launches - dovecot sends various parameters including the request for xml results. The thing that looks odd to me is that the results fields should be single values not arrays enclosed in [], ie I would have expected

instead of


I'd be interested to see the equivalent xml output produced by running a query that dovecot sends.

This Solr instance is not configured properly for dovecot.  Most of the fields are configured as multiValued (which is why you see an array rather than a single value), and the response is JSON.  A Solr instance that is properly configured for dovecot would return XML, not JSON.

You're going to want to provide a proper solrconfig.xml and managed-schema file, restart Solr or reload the core for dovecot, and do a full reindex.  At the following URL, you can find the shell script that I use to do a full reindex:


At the following URL are links to the solrconfig.xml and schema that are appropriate for dovecot.  These instructions say to name the schema file "schema.xml" ... this will work, as long as Solr has read-write access to the conf directory so it can rename the file to "managed-schema".  If it doesn't, then you should name the file "managed-schema" yourself.

