# This file is based on https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Statistics # Dovecot v2.1+ supports gathering statistics (CPU, disk usage, etc.) # from mail processes (IMAP, POP3, LMTP, etc.) to the stats # process. The stats process can later be queried what's going on in # the system. With imap_stats plugin you can get per-command level # statistics for IMAP commands. # # There are different "zoom levels" you can look at the statistics: # # * command: Per-IMAP command # * session: Per IMAP/POP3 connection # * user: Per user (all of user's sessions summed up) # * domain: Per domain (all of domain's users summed up) # * ip: Per IP address (all sessions from the IP summed up) # * global: Everything summed up (2.2.16+) mail_plugins = $mail_plugins stats protocol imap { mail_plugins = $mail_plugins imap_stats } plugin { # how often to session statistics (must be set) stats_refresh = 30 secs # track per-IMAP command statistics (optional) stats_track_cmds = yes } # You'll also need to give enough permissions for mail processes to be # able to write to stats-mail fifo. For example if you use a single # "vmail" user for mail access: service stats { fifo_listener stats-mail { user = vmail mode = 0600 } } # Memory usage configuration # The stats process attempts to keep memory usage below a specified # amount. This value is only approximate because of extra overhead # caused by malloc() itself. stats_memory_limit = 16 M # Once the memory limit is reached, oldest statistics are freed from # memory. Different statistics levels have different timeout limits, # which are configured in: stats_command_min_time = 1 mins stats_domain_min_time = 12 hours stats_ip_min_time = 12 hours stats_session_min_time = 15 mins stats_user_min_time = 1 hours service stats { inet_listener { address = port = 24242 } }