12 Apr
12 Apr
11:14 p.m.
Hi again!
With Dovecot 2.2.9 authenticating against the Active Directory I have following problem:
- if I login using LOGIN, PLAIN or CRAM, the username is REALM\login (in my case: CCH\lucabert)
- if I login using GSSAPI, the username is just login (in my case: lucabert)
this makes the access to the mailbox very difficult, since I don't what can I write in mail_location... If I login with LOGIN, I can write:
but of course it does not work if I login using GSSAPI...
The mailboxes have just the login (in my case: lucabert). Can someone explain me why %u is different and how can I solve my problem?
Thanks a lot Luca Bertoncello (lucabert@lucabert.de)